
New vegas character creation mod
New vegas character creation mod

new vegas character creation mod

The names placed on the doors at The Beginning are rather vague, or even deceptive. Selecting a good starting location can be especially tricky. Helpful resources for deciding on how to sketch out the perks, traits and statistics of your Survivor are provided in the Fallout: Dust Perks and Fallout: Dust Traits page, with additional information being kept in the Fallout: Dust SPECIAL and Fallout: Dust Level pages. Roughin' It, especially good when combined with Bedroll kit). Survival skill gives access to good perks (e.g. Furthermore, the Repair skill can allow you to craft makeshift weaponry, which can prove very helpful. Lockpicking allows access to many helpful supplies, and Repair can keep your equipment in good condition. However, a plurality of skill points should be placed in more specialized areas, namely Lockpicking or Repair. Skill points should generally be focused towards more combat-based skills, like Guns or Melee Weapons. See the Fallout: Dust SPECIAL page for the changes Dust introduces to SPECIAL and derived statistics, and if you're concerned about the drastically lowered carry weight, then spend the Backpacks provided by DUST a visit. A high Strength can help raise your lowered carry weight, and high Intelligence will ensure that you gain more skill points upon leveling up. Rather, invest your points in more concrete statistics, like Strength or Intelligence.

new vegas character creation mod new vegas character creation mod

High Charisma is a dreadful waste of SPECIAL points, and will get the player nowhere. To begin, take all of your SPECIAL points out of Charisma.

new vegas character creation mod

Plan accordingly when creating your character. This is a true wasteland, where almost everyone you encounter is keen on killing you and taking your equipment, or worse. This isn’t your neighborly Vegas paradise. A high-Speech, high-Barter, high-Charisma playstyle will almost certainly result in the player having a very difficult time playing Dust. Character creation in Dust should not be handled exactly as one would in vanilla New Vegas.

New vegas character creation mod